Saturday, February 28, 2015

Lenten Journey - The Anathema

Day #13 of the Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Movsesian.

"As for us" - The anathema.
Lenten Recipe 13: Stir - Fried Asparagus

Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Background Lent Song: Here I Am to Worship played by Heidi 

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Friday, February 27, 2015

Lenten Journey - The Creed

Day #12 of the Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Movsesian.

The Creed. This is what we believe.
Lenten Recipe 12: Portobello-Seitan Hash

Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Background Lent Song: Here I Am to Worship played by Heidi 

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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Lenten Journey - Scriptures as Bread

Day #11 of the Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Movsesian.

On the Scriptural readings and hearings.
Lenten Recipe 11: Roasted Potato Fans!

Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Background Lent Song: Here I Am to Worship played by Heidi 

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lenten Journey - The Jashoo Portion to Sourp Asdvadz

Day #10 of the Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Movsesian.

The Jashoo Portion to Sourp Asdvadz.
Lenten Recipe 10: Red Cabbage Slaw

Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Background Lent Song: Here I Am to Worship played by Heidi 

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lenten Journey - Descent Into Our World

Day #9 of the Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Movsesian.

Descent into our world.
Lenten Recipe 9: Stuffed Eggplants

Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Background Lent Song: Here I Am to Worship played by Heidi 

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Monday, February 23, 2015

Lenten Journey - Behind the Curtain

Day #8 of the Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Movsesian.

Behind the curtain.
Lenten Recipe 8: Almond French Toast

Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Background Lent Song: Here I Am to Worship played by Heidi 

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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Lenten Journey - Mystery

Day #7 of the Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Movsesian.

Mystery: Entering the Church.
Lenten Recipe 7: Mushroom Ragu

Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Background Lent Song: Here I Am to Worship played by Heidi 

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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Lenten Journey - Fasting

Day #6 of the Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Movsesian.

The priest is fully vested, and here we remember one more means of physical preparation via fasting. We agreed earlier to look at the physical preparations first, before the spiritual and emotional preparations, for in fact the physical dimensions of anything are always easier to comprehend. We learned about each of the articles of the vestments which transforms the priest for the celebration of celebrations. Fasting is the bridge between the physical and emotional. While the abstinence from food is the outward expression of fasting, the appeal to discipline and strength of will are matters of the spirit and soul.

In our Lord’s life, there is a story where a young man is brought to Jesus to have a foul spirit exorcised from him. The boy’s father had appealed to the disciples who, though commissioned to be able to heal, were unable to do so. When Jesus removes the unclean spirit from the boy, the disciples ask him, “Why were we unable to cast out the demon?  To which Jesus responds, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and fasting.” (Mark 9)
Prayer and fasting go hand and hand. Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” A pure heart is accented with the pure body, for in fact, the purpose of the Divine Liturgy is to come into the presence of God – to commune with God, to see God. Fasting is the key to that physical purity – to cleanse and purge the system from all impurity so that the Holy Sacrament is accepted in cleanliness.

Fasting also heightens our understanding of necessity. When we fast, in our hunger, we naturally think of our next meal – we look forward to satisfying our hunger. It is during these moments that we must ask ourselves what is truly essential for life. How important are those meals? We come to view in a different manner Christ’s words, that bread alone is not essential for life, but life finds meaning and fulfillment by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. (Matthew 4)  

Physical preparedness gives us a foundation on which our spiritual side, our soul must be ready for this Sacrament.

In the Sermon on the Mount, our Lord directs us to the spiritual preparedness for the Holy Eucharist. He says, “If you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.”

This is the highest form of preparedness for the Divine Liturgy – to be at peace with our fellow human being. Yes, the vestments and fasting are essential, but our Lord sets apart this rule for the altar table as a necessity.

Earlier when I mentioned that emotional and spiritual preparedness were much more difficult to understand than the physical side of preparedness, I was alluding to this commandment. Wearing robes and even abstaining from food is not as difficult as this most important rule of preparation. Note that our Lord put the harmony between us humans as a higher priority than God! Again, he says, leave your gift at the altar – more important than God – go and reconcile with your brother or sister.

This first week of the Lenten Journey we walked the course of preparedness. While each article of the vestment set gave us a chance to reflect on various aspects of readiness, the most important lesson of all these days is the need to prepare the soul for the Holy Divine Liturgy. It is the reconciliation between us that is at the heart of the Liturgy. It is what St. John the Evangelist speaks of when he says, “For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.” It’s that simple and yet that difficult.

Fasting in preparation.
Lenten Recipe 6: Roasted Veggies

Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Background Lent Song: Here I Am to Worship played by Heidi 

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Friday, February 20, 2015

Lenten Journey - Preparation of the Priest

Day #5 of the Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Movsesian.

On this fifth day of this Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy, we end the sessions on physical preparation by understanding the role of the robe, or shourjar. Thus far we have observed the transformation of the priest in the vestry of the church. He has donned new clothes, the very special vestments that are designated for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy.

As the name shourjar implies, is placed around the entire – shourj - body of priest. Here, he prays, “In your mercy, O Lord, clothe me with a radiant garment and fortify me against the influences of the evil one, that I may be worthy to glorify your glorious name.” As this final piece of the vestment set is worn by the priest the intention of the Liturgy is presented. Although the robe is ornamental, bright and colorful, the priest is reminded that it is not for his own glory that this sacrament is being celebrated but for the glory of God.

As a huge shield, the shourjar surrounds the priest with a special energy. This energy is beauty and strength combined. Often these two words are not used together in describing something. In fact we separate them as diametrically opposed to one another. Braun and beauty we say. Or even cruelly, we say beauty and the beast. Here, the shourjar shows us that there is beauty in strength and strength in beauty. Not only is one not exclusive of the other, but in fact a necessary component of one another. The shourjar is radiating as the top garment of the vestment set, and it radiates power over the forces of evil. There is nothing greater nor more powerful than complete beauty, which is an expression of goodness and love. Jesus was the Love and Goodness incarnate, and a testament to strength and power which changed the very foundation of our world – for in fact, the manifestation of that power and strength is in the goodness done through works.  

The lesson for today is that although the priest is standing with beautiful vestments, as a new man, before the altar and congregation, he is there as a servant, to serve something greater than himself. He has removed the old garments and donned a new set of vestments that set him apart from the world as a reminder that the journey is one that transcends the daily rituals of life. Ego has been placed in check. It is not about him, but about the one who is the author of him.

As we prepare ourselves for the journey that is still before us, let us contemplate own newness as we walk. Every article of clothing has a purpose and a mission. So too in our lives, every heartbeat, every eye blink, every muscle and organ of our body has a function and purpose that must be in sync with our feelings, thoughts and soul. We are called to meditate on our uniqueness, our beauty, our sense of wonder… each of us set apart from the other uniquely, only to come back together for the purpose to love one another. 

Preparation of the priest, the shoujar, beauty and strength.
Lenten Recipe 5: Glazed Sweet Potatoes with Cranberries and Pecans!

Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Background Lent Song: Here I Am to Worship played by Heidi 

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lenten Journey - Continuing on Physical Preparations and the Vestments

Day #4 of the Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Movsesian.

In physically preparing for the Divine Liturgy the priest dons a set of vestments, specifically designated for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. Yesterday we were introduced to the tak crown, the white shabik shirt, and oorar or the stole. Today we will continue with the vesting process by understanding the role of the belt, the vagas, and the cuffs.

The belt, or godi, is placed around the shirt and the stole which is hanging from the priest’s neck. The priest recites, “May the girdle of faith encircle me round about my heart and my mind and quench vile thoughts out of them and may the power of Your grace abide in them at all time, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  As the belt circles his body, we are to understand the totality of commitment to the sacred celebration. Note that the physical attributes of the belt point to the spiritual union of heart and mind in the celebration. Our bodies are the vessels inside which the mind and soul of our being resides. To engage in the Divine we must be present with all of our faculties. The five physical sense of taste, smell, sight, sound and touch are highlighted with the experiences we feel through our heart and engage with our mind. The priest is completely committed at this point, and beckons that we give all of our selves to the celebration.

Next the priest places his hands through the bazbans, or cuffs, so that they cover his arms. He prays, “Give strength, O Lord, to my right and left hands and wash all my filthiness that I may be able to serve you in health of soul and body.” The arms and hands are the means by which the physical work of the church is accomplished. Here, the request for strength should be not be underplayed. Strength is endurance. Strength is patience. Strength is muscle. The Celebration of the Divine Liturgy is an action that has implications and consequences in the real world. Much like the gladiators of old, who would place cuffs on their forearms for protection and as a symbol of strength, the priest is reminded of the necessity to work for the victory, that is, success, of this Mystery known as the Divine Liturgy.

Now the priest well ready to celebrate, and so the next vestment is one which calls for focus. The vagas is placed around the back of the neck of the priest. It stands high and surrounds the back of his head. As the oorar reminded the priest of the yoke, or the burden placed around his neck, the vagas is a reminder of what are sometimes called “blinders” that we see around the eyes of the beasts of burden. While temptation is from all around, the vagas forces the priest’s attention to the celebration of the Liturgy, and the common cup at the center of the Holy Eucharist. In a moment of temptation if the priest’s attention is steered to the right or left, the blinders prevent him from looking further and readjust his attention to the work before him. This is a very special vestment that directs the senses to the essentials of the Liturgy and therefore the essentials of life.

The final article of the vestment set is the robe or shourjar, which we will learn about tomorrow. For today let us focus on the belt, the cuffs and the vagas, as three reminders of commitment. Our devotion must be circular, like the belt, with no signs of beginning or end, encircling our entire being through body, soul and mind. Our faith must be fortified by strength, as the cuffs provide, so that we understand that the purpose of our faith is to do - to share, love and work for the betterment of life.  Our life must be focused, as the vagas directs us, to concentrate on the matters at hand. And if, by the temptation of the moment we should wonder, may we be reminded of the awesome beauty of the life that is in front of us. 

Continuing on physical preparations and the vestments - the belt, the cuffs and the vagas, calling for commitment, strength and focus.
Lenten Recipe 4: Spinach Salad with Passionfruit Dressing and Maple-Glazed Almonds

Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Background Lent Song: Here I Am to Worship played by Heidi 

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lenten Journey - Physical Preparations and the Vestments

Day #3 of the Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Movsesian.

On this 3rd Day of the Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy we continue on the theme of preparation, by examining the vestments and vesting process of the priest. The priest as well as each participant of the Divine Liturgy must prepare her or himself spiritually, emotionally and physically, for such an awesome experience as the one expressed in the Divine Liturgy. Physical preparation is the easiest to comprehend.

In the vestry of the church, the priest takes offers a prayer request as he dons each piece of his vestment. He begins from the top, by placing the crown on his head and praying, “Put, O Lord, upon my head the helmet of salvation to fight against the powers of the enemy, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Often, the crown is considered a sign of royalty, in this case, the prayer likens it to a helmet in preparation against the forces of evil. The challenges in life are remembered, that life is one defined by responsibilities to love and proclaim the light of Christ. The obstacles to do so are many. The helmet is a reminder of that struggle to love, even when the obstacles persist and even when his love is misunderstood or even rejected.

Next the priest wears the white robe by praying, “Clothe me, O Lord, with the garment of salvation and with a robe of gladness, and gird me with the vestment of salvation.” Note here, that the physical robe is not merely defined by its color of purity, but by a condition of gladness. The joy of salvation transcends time, not to be understood only in terms of a time to come, but as a living expression within the heart of the priest.

The stole is next placed over the neck of the priest as he prays, “Clothe my neck, O Lord, with righteousness and cleanse my heart from all filthiness of sin.” Here we remember Christ’s words, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. “In fact, the High Priest himself, Christ, demands that we take the yoke, symbolic of the burdens attached to life, with the gentle reminder that in meekness and in purity of heart, we are able to endure and overcome our difficulties and challenges.

The deacon, wears a similar stole, but only partially on his or her shoulder. It refers to the same yoke of Christ.

It is here that we break for this 3rd day of the Lenten Journey, with a mediation on that yoke. From the vestments we have discussed thus far, we understand that the spiritual warfare of the Christian is a challenge to love. Often, we merely think of the Christian experience and struggle as a challenge to abstain from certain types of behavior. In fact, the Christian understanding of struggle is quite the opposite – it is one of engaging in the good, by loving, sharing of the self through humility and meekness. The Christian is called to do, not to abstain, that is, to take on the yoke, the burden offered by Christ, to love unceasingly, even against the odds and obstacles. It is the higher challenge that defines us in our faith and certainly in our life. Today we mediate on the transformation process thus far expressed by the crown, the robe and the stole – the fight to love, to do so with joy and to understand the awesome responsibility that comes with it. Tomorrow we continue on this spiritual journey and continue examining the other vestments.

Physical Preparations and the vestments - the crown, the robe, the stole and the demand to love.
Lenten Recipe 3: Spicy Peanut Noodles

Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Background Lent Song: Here I Am to Worship played by Heidi 

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lenten Journey - Preparations

Day #2 of the Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Movsesian.

It has been said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Perhaps a more proper translation of this thought offered by Lao Tzu is that The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one's feet. No matter how we say it, the journey into the Divine Liturgy, and therefore into the Divine, begins with a step of the foot, but that foot must be ready – socks and shoes, muscles and even callouses, to travel the road ahead.

Preparation for the Divine Liturgy is essential. A soul who is present and ready for this Divine Mystery must prepare itself, as must the minister who will be celebrate the Liturgy. Both the priest and the participant enter to the sanctuary putting off their worldly garments and understand that there is a sacredness to the space they enter. The physical structure of the church is most often the place where this sacrament is celebrated. It has been consecrated, that is, it has been set aside for the purpose of this sacred work, just as the priest, the minister of the sacrament, is consecrated and ordained for this celebration. He is man, not God. He stands humbly before the presence of God. As you can imagine, there can be no ego present at this moment, and so begins the stripping of the trappings of the world.

Because the Divine Liturgy is such an awesome and sacred ceremony, the participant goes through a series of physical, spiritual and emotional preparatory activities. Let us begin with the physical preparation, because by far, it is the easiest to comprehend.

In the vestry of the church the priest engages in a transformative process. The Divine Liturgy begins with the reciting of Psalm 132, “Let your priests be clothed with righteousness; and let your saints shout for joy.” As we hear, the first utterances are in the spirit of a festival – shouting for joy! In fact, the Divine Liturgy is a celebration. In that spirit, the Priest offers his first prayer of the day before transforming himself with the physical robes and vestments of the day. As we listen to it, place yourself in that spirit of joy and understanding. It is the First Step of our journey:
O Jesus Christ our Lord who are clothed with light as with a garment, you did appear upon earth in unspeakable humility and walked with men and women.

[As you grant me permission to be vested for this service] make me, your unprofitable servant, also worthy at this hour to approach the spiritual service of your glory, so that I may divest myself of all ungodliness which is a garment of defilement, and that I may be adorned with your light. Cast away my wickedness from me and shake me out of my transgressions that I may be made worthy of the light prepared by you in the world to come.

 Grant me to enter with priestly glory upon the ministry of your holy things. Christ, you did bear the sins of all, for you are the holiness of our souls and upon you, befits glory, dominion and honor.

In saying this prayer, we take the first step of preparation. We will continue tomorrow by introducing the vestments that prepare us physically to celebrate with joy, the Divine Liturgy.

Today: Preparations - taking the first step before vesting.
Lenten Recipe 2: Mushroom Fried Rice

Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Background Lent Song: Here I Am to Worship played by Heidi 

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Monday, February 16, 2015

Lenten Journey - Into the Divine Liturgy

Day #1 of a 40 day series of broadcasts by Fr. Vazken Movsesian

Jesus is the name of Love, says St. Nersess Shnorhali, and it is from this proclamation that we begin our Lenten Journey into the Divine Liturgy. Love is the one thing in life that crosses over ethnic, gender, socio-economic, geographic, and other differences  that divide the world and humanity. It is the most powerful and yet most delicate energy known to humankind. It is said that it can move mountains, yet untamed it can destroy the strongest heart.

We often speak of the mystical and spiritual dimensions of life, understanding that there is more to life than the temporal trappings – that which we sense, whether through feelings, taste, smell, vocal and audible utterings. This dimension of life, that which is beyond our physical understanding, we assign to God, to Energy, to the Universe or in one word, the Divine. However or in what manner we try to describe it, we come to a point where our limited faculties are unable to comprehend the vastness of the Divine.

Within Orthodoxy we appeal to sacraments, that is, the outward and comprehendible means by which the incomprehensible is delivered to us. Of the 7 known Sacraments, the Holy Eucharist, the Divine Liturgy, is the one which is most accessible to us all. Our first day of this Journey begins with an acceptance that the Divine Realm is accessible to us, that the Divine Liturgy has a design and purpose to bring us closer to the Energy which surrounds us and at the same time is within us.

Take some time on this first of 40 days, to accept the fullness and depth of the Divine. Accept that this journey is not one that is marked by steps, but one which is made up of connections, between your physical being and the spirit and emotions that define life. Put preconceptions to one side and open yourself to the wonder that is, the Divine Liturgy.

Part of the expanding vision of the In His Shoes Mission. Visit our website for more information.
Music by Torkom Saraydarian "A Touch of Heart"
Lenten Recipe 1: "Cream" of Asparagus Soup

Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
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