Day 33:
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Dan Kujurian liked flashy cars and I liked looking out for his cars. Now that I think of it, it was the flash that I liked. I was a kid; flash and glitter were exciting. Come to think of it, I only knew he had cool cars, but never saw him drive any of them. Dan was neither glittery nor exciting. He was actually a very dull guy, but he loved his cars… I guess.

Dan had some business to discuss with my dad one day and came over our house. When the time came for him to leave, I got excited to go out to get a look – and maybe a drive – in his car. My dad and I walked him out the house. Where was his car? Not on our block.
He walked down the street and then turned the corner. My dad said good-bye to him there. I felt short-changed. “Aren’t we going to walk to his car with him? You know he has a Sting Ray!”
“He parked over in the LACC parking lot,” said my dad. He knew something that I was going to find out that night.
The LACC parking lot was three blocks away. It was night and the parking lot was sparsely populated with cars. As he walked away from us my dad told me the Dan Kujurian secret for keeping his car clean, pristine and unscratched: He parks far away and in remote areas.
That’s it. This little secret kept his car looking like new. Everywhere he would go, he’d park far and away, sometimes walking up to a mile to avoid having anyone get close to his vehicle. Now my dad had an aversion to gossip, but that day he told me that Dan had recently made his date walk and walk to the church social one night because he didn’t want to park the car close to others cars in the church parking lot.
I always remember the night that I discovered the Dan Kujurian secret. Whenever I’ve been scared to risk, I’ve thought about that beautiful Sting Ray. It was clean and without blemish, but it was never driven and never served its purpose. It never exploited its full potential. And Dan? Well, he walked everywhere? I don’t think he really enjoyed that car.
Life has purpose and meaning. Healing means we are re-aligned with the purpose and meaning of life. Living life means you have to engage in it at an intimate level. You can’t park far way. Yes, there is a risk that you’ll get scratched and hit, you may get hurt, but think of this: you’ll be sitting in the driver’s seat and the ride will be a fun one.
Tennyson’s words, “Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all,” are the words of our meditation today. As you roll through this junction on the Road to Healing, think of opportunities that you’ve missed because you have been scared to risk the hurt. Think of the enjoyment you’ve passed up because you’ve parked too far away from life. And now think of the new opportunities in front of you – to heal, to be well, to understand, to stand, to play, to laugh. Courage is required to park close to the action, and with a bit of faith, the drive is fun, fulfilling and filled with joy.
Let’s park close by and tomorrow we can continue on the Road to Healing.
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Photo – 1963 Corvette
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