Saturday, May 9, 2020

Lenten Journey 2020, Day 40 of 40

Friday, April 3, Lenten Journey 2020, Day 40 of 40

Every journey begins with a single step but not all end in such a solitary manner. Some journeys are but a few steps inside a longer travel toward a broader destination. So it is with the Lenten Journey: an annual trek which revitalizes and strengthens our resolve to walk the Journey of Life. The 40 days of Lent have come and gone this year, but not without incident. This Journey was marred by a pandemic which brought the world to its knees. We have been humbled by the menace that this virus can bring. With the lessons of this Journey fresh in our minds and in our hearts we understand that coming to our knees before God is not out of fear; rather, we acknowledge the power of good over evil and how we, His Creations, are invited to create and articulate our life – as an individual and collectively for the community. We find the beauty of life the expressions of love and care amidst the horrors. The last stop in the Lenten Journey is to understand that Worship – Sunday-to-Sunday, day-to-day – is our personal commitment to the lessons of these 40 days. Through Jesus Christ, we are reconciled with God and all of Creation. Life is in our hands and God is with us always.

Lenten Journey 2020, Day 39 of 40

Thursday, April 2 - Lenten Journey 2020, Day 39 of 40

The Church has given us the Lenten Season. The Church – the Body of Christ – has held our hand through the Lenten Journey and the time is coming for us to let go. Life is ahead, ready for us and we for it. When asked who he considers as his family, Jesus answers, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.” (Luke 8:21) We are called to a life of activity, to not only hear but to do the word of God. Find the ending of the Lenten Journey as it winds its way into your life. Tally the blessings granted to you and find wonder in the miracles that are around you.

Lenten Journey 2020, Day 38 of 40

Wednesday, April 1, Lenten Journey 2020, Day 38 of 40

 Loving God and loving neighbor means that ego, the self, must be parked conveniently out of the way for us to properly share our love with others. Selflessness and sacrifice are words which describe our condition when selfish motives are removed from our lives to allow for purer love for others. Jesus Christ gives us the ultimate example of selflessness and sacrifice as he accepts the Cross. Our crosses – physical, financial, relationships, spiritual –  are heavy but we bear them because we have found a new strength through our prayers, fasting and walking through the Lenten Journey. Our perception has changed and with a new heart we understand and are ready to accept Jesus’ words, “Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.  Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the Father will honor.” (John 26-27)

Lenten Journey 2020, Day 37 of 40

Tuesday, March 31 -  Lenten Journey 2020, Day 37 of 40

Loving God and loving neighbor is now a simple test for our actions. In fact, of the hundreds of laws and regulations we read in the Old Testaments, and of the 10 Commandments given in Scripture, loving God and loving neighbor become what is necessary to live according to God’s will. As we draw near to the Lenten Journey, we realize that life is meant to be lived. Dreams are meant to be turned into reality. Happiness and joy are God-inspired and God-given, through the life we breathe, the experiences we share and the joy we live. As the Wise Men traveling toward Bethlehem, “When they saw that the star had stopped they were overwhelmed with joy” (Matthew 2:10) our joy begins for our Journey is ending but we have discovered Life.

Lenten Journey 2020, Day 36 of 40

Monday, March 30 - Lenten Journey 2020, Day 36 of 40

The Sunday of Advent brought with it a message of eternity grounded in the here and now. In the Bible reading of the day Jesus proclaims the greatest commandment, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:37-39)  We are in the last week of the Lenten Journey and this most fundamental message is proclaimed as a prize for our fasting and prayers. It is the basis for all we do in life and is the key that unlocks the doors to success and happiness. Love God and your neighbor.

Lenten Journey 2020, Day 35 of 40

Sunday, March 29 - Lenten Journey 2020, Day 35 of 40

 The last Sunday of the Lenten Season is designated as “Advent” Sunday, where the Second Coming of Jesus is the theme. From Apostolic times, the Second Coming has been anticipated by the Church. In the Nicene Creed, each Sunday we remember that Jesus is “to come … to judge the living and the dead.” However, Jesus himself cautions us to not be consumed with dates and signs. “But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Mark 13:32) The day is filled with its own challenges and looking to future events only distracts from our duties today. The Lenten Journey is accomplished by steps taken in the moment.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 34 of 40

Saturday, March 28 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 34 of 40

Amidst the Lenten Journey are occasions to reflect on those who have traveled before us. Today the Armenian Church commemorates St. Gregory the Illuminator’s imprisonment (289-301 AD) in a place we now refer to as “Khorvirab.” Stories such as this are wrapped in their historical parameters. Their value is that they talk to us – to each generation in its own times. Today as a world, we are imprisoned by the effects of a pandemic which takes us into a pit of despair, hopelessness and even death. The story of St. Gregory the Illuminator’s 13 year imprisonment teaches the value of discipline, prayer and hope in the Lord – the same ingredients to overcome our own and collective prisons. Jesus instructs that certain evils can “Only be overcome by prayer and fasting.” (Mark 9:29)

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 33 of 40

Friday, March 27 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 33 of 40

Day 33 of the Journey signals a change in perception. We come to realize that change has come from within – it is called “transformation.” In this process the goal remains unaltered, but we have changed. Peace and harmony with our sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, children, parents, neighbors and yes, with the world are in our spiritual cross-hairs and we know that we are now the instruments by which change comes. This has been a process – a journey – and while we’re nearing the end of it, we realize that we are outfitting ourselves with the tools for life.  “To all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:12-13)

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 32 of 40

Thursday, March 26 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 32 of 40

In the quiet solitude of our prayer space we listen for God to speak to us. Do not be afraid to open all of your senses to God. As the Lenten Journey moves forward we build on the lessons of the days passed. The laughter of a young child, the delicate pedals of a flower shining against the sun, the midst of the ocean wave spraying our skin, or the sight of stars spread over the sky are all signs from God. As scripture reminds us that “Though we speak much we cannot reach the end, and the sum of our words is ‘He is the all.’” (Sirach 43:27) Look, feels, smell, taste and hear God around you.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 31 of 40

Wednesday, March 25 –

Prayer is a conversation with God. There are different ways of conversing. For instance, a discourse is a one-way conversation intended to deliver information. A diatribe is the same but delivered with emotion. Debate is a two-way conversation with a goal of winning an argument or convincing another on your position. But a dialogue is a two-way conversation which builds a relationship because the parties are listening as much as speaking. What type of conversation are you having with God? Are you building a relationship with Him? To do so, talk and listen.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 30 of 40

Tuesday, March 24 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 30 of 40

Praying should come as natural as does a conversation with a parent, a loved one or a friend. Be open and sincere. In the solitude of your prayer space, worries can be dropped and the warmth and comfort of love can be absorbed. The Apostle writes, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:6-7)

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 29 of 40

Monday, March 23 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 29 of 40

On this week guided by the parable of the Unjust Judge (Luke 18:1-8) we are invited to pray without discouragement. Prayer is a personal activity. It requires quiet time and space. Jesus instructs us, “…Whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret…” (Matthew 6:6) In that solitude open yourself to God’s blessings. There is nothing to hide in this space. A conversation with God implies speaking, sharing and listening.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 28 of 40

Sunday, March 22 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 28 of 40

On the importance of prayer in life, Jesus offers the parable of the Unjust Judge (Luke 18:1-8), a story for which this Sunday of Lent is named. Here is a man who doesn’t fear God nor respect people, is “worn down” by a poor widow seeking justice and persistently calling on him. St. Luke prefaces this story by saying that Jesus spoke this parable to show that we “must always pray and not be discouraged.” (vs. 1) Prayer is our conversation with God, which at times may seem like a monologue on our part. Instead let us appeal to the simple words that are the starting point of our daily prayer. They are words prescribed by our Lord, “Thy will be done.” (Matthew 6:10)

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 27 of 40

Saturday, March 21 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 27 of 40

For the duration of its earthly existence the soul of a person inhabits a form called the body. While the Lenten Journey grooms the spirit and the soul, it sometimes takes a physical threat for us to realize the unique relationship between body, mind and soul. Today as a world we are focused on a pandemic virus that threatens the body, the receptacle of the soul. The Apostle St. Paul writes, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” (ICor 6:19) Today, in the midst of global awakening to viral dangers, we are given a golden reminder to groom the spirit and keep the body strong for the work ahead.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 26 of 40

Friday, March 20 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 26 of 40

Checking for false pride is necessary because it is so easy to acquire. Especially when engaged in Lenten practices, it is very easy to confidently boast, “Look at me, I am doing something that others can’t do.” Check to make sure the means are not more important than the goal of our efforts. Lent is about self-improvement, to better our relationships and thereby improve our world. Dietary restrictions, heightened prayer life and sacrificing ourselves and our talents are means by which we understand the essence of life and what is essential for living in harmony with God and our surroundings. Our Lord cautions us, “When you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret.” (Matthew 6:3)

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 25 of 40

Thursday, March 19 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 25 of 40

Giving freely of yourself requires sacrifice.  To raise children, to support a husband or a wife, to deal with aging parents, to offer love and affection to people in need, requires selfless sacrifice. It is the selflessness that defines sacrifice as something valuable. Churches run on the power of volunteers. They get things done because in the volunteer is a spirit of sacrifice, and the ego must be lost.   The Lenten Journey is about suppressing the ego and losing the self. Jesus instructs, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 24 of 40

Wednesday, March 18 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 24 of 40

People who have impacted society and life and are recorded in history in a very positive manner. You will find something very similar among them and in their biographies. They have been willing to sacrifice themselves and their talent. They have used their talents freely without restriction. Now, do not mistake this for low self-esteem or low self-worth. Sacrifice comes from a positive self-image. God has endowed you freely with your unique talent, and during this week of the Steward (Luke 16:1-13) find opportunities to use it freely. “Freely you have received,” says Jesus, “Freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 23 of 40

Tuesday, March 17 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 23 of 40

During the week of the Steward (Luke 16:1-13) we inventory our talents to understand how we can better manage our lives. As a creation of God, we are unique – each of us – and therefore we are not equal. That’s the definition of being unique. The Apostle Paul reminds us, “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” (I Cor 12:7) Celebrating your uniqueness does not allow for jealousy for in fact there is no competition, rather we are all children of God using the special talent that defines us for the common good. Jealousy is to be rid from our system, for in fact, our uniqueness and the sharing of our talent makes us like no other before God.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 22 of 40

Monday, March 16 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 22 of 40

God gives us the tools to handle the complexities of life and to make life’s journey a manageable one. The Parable of the Dishonest Steward (Luke 16:1-13) is given to us by our Lord Jesus. A dishonest steward, that is, a corrupt manager, is commended for his shrewdness.  By being wise and calculating he met his worldly goals.  Here Jesus tells us that the challenges of life are real. They are to be met and overcome by using the resource available to us. During the Lenten Journey we inventory those resources – those tools – that help us overcome life’s obstacles. Look no further than the talents that are unique to you and your ability to use them in this world.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 21 of 40

Sunday, March 15 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 21 of 40

Halfway through the Lenten Journey we have climbed up the hill and from the summit we look to see two paths, one behind us and even more importantly, the path in front of us. It is this path that connects to a larger road which is the journey of life. It takes place in a world filled with difficulties and challenges, with disease, hatred, bigotry and war. At the same time each of these manifestations of evil give us an opportunity to overcome and celebrate victories in this same world. How appropriate that today the Armenian Church prescribes the Parable of the Steward (Luke 16:1-13) as its Lenten lesson. With a simple command: “Give me an accounting of your stewardship” (vs. 2) we understand that ours is to manage the life God has given us. It is a life that takes place in the here and now, in a world with good and bad in it. The meditation for this day is to contemplate the words of Christ himself: “For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light.” (vs. 8)

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 20 of 40

Saturday, March 14 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 20 of 40

Day 20 marks a half-way point. It is important in any journey to review the steps that have brought us thus far and chart out the steps that lead forward. At the Last Supper, Jesus reflects on his ministry and the unique relationship between the disciples and himself: He as the “True Vine,” his Father the vinedresser and the disciples are the branches (John 15). In confidence, he moves forward to his Passion, “Rise, let us go” he instructs his disciples. Today is a day of reflection. Our bodies are becoming familiar with the dietary regimen, we have increased our prayer life and acts of charity. Our meditations and contemplations give us satisfaction. Reflect on those things you have discovered since Lent began and then Rise! Let us go forward. The second half of the Lenten Journey is moments away.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 19 of 40

Friday, March 13 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 19 of 40

The week of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) comes to an end with a focus on the father who endures great pain at knowing his son is lost, but also knows that his son – like each of us – must create our own destiny. Jesus uses this parable to illustrate the tremendous and unconditional love of our heavenly Father which must serve as an example for our love toward one another. God leaves the door open for us to return to Him. He does not reprimand, nor does He remind us of past offenses. Instead, he is welcoming. Can we do the same with those who have hurt us? The Lenten Journey is about asking “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us.”

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 18 of 40

Thursday, March 12 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 18 of 40

In the background of the Prodigal Son story (Luke 15:11-32) is another son – an older brother – who has done all that has been asked of him. He has played by the rules but has not been rewarded for his good behavior and therefore finds the situation unfair – perhaps even unjust. The older brother expresses the sentiments of so many: Why do good things happen to bad people? The Lenten Journey is about asking the questions and listening for the answers. The response of the father, “My son was dead and now is alive!” is one given from the vantage point of parenthood. The father changed the older brother’s perspective. Look at life and your questions from a fresh new vantage point – one which celebrates life – is at the heart of today’s Lenten meditation.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 17 of 40

Wednesday, March 11 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 17 of 40

The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) had lost his friends and his hunger caused him to fantasize about eating the hog’s slop. It was at that most hurtful and most vulnerable moment that he “came to his senses.” We might say that he reached his “enough moment.” Each of us encounters difficulties that accent the sharp contrasts in our lives. Part of the Lenten Journey is to find the “enough moment” in our lives when we realize that life does not have to follow a particular direction and we are ready to return back home. 

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 16 of 40

Tuesday, March 10 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 16 of 40

The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) had lost direction. Getting lost is not intentional. No one begins a journey with the hope of getting lost. In the journey of life we come across many difficulties, many obstacles, that prevent us from reaching the fullness that we want out of life. Those obstacles stand in front of us like roadblocks as we travel toward our dreams. When the road is blocked, we immediately look for ways to circumvent, to go around the obstacles and in so doing, we swerve off course. We are lost. Finding where we turned or swerved is part of the Lenten Journey back home.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 15 of 40

Monday, March 9 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 15 of 40

The third week of Lent begins with echoes of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). What was his sin? Can we tally up the offenses and stay away from such evil? Jesus gives the answer in the story, explaining that the son squandered all that he had (vs. 13). We each come into this world inheriting unique and precious talents. All that we enjoy is given to us as a gift from God. During the Lenten Journey, ours is to find the talents and gifts given to us by God and use them. When we lose track of the gift of life, we mindlessly squander the greatest gift that God has bestowed upon us.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 14 of 40

Sunday, March 8 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 14 of 40

Reconciliation happens when love is present and love is made possible by forgiveness. There is no greater illustration of the power of love through forgiveness than in the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). “My son was dead and now he is alive. My son was lost and now he is found,” proclaims this father who rejoices that his son has come back home. His is the voice of heaven for any one of us who puts away the foolishness of sin and returns back to God. Lost and finding our way back to God is the only way to move from death to life.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 13 of 40

Saturday, March 7 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 13 of 40

Without love, what meaning or what purpose can our existence have? Love is the necessary component of life. It exists in us all and during this Lenten period we have a golden opportunity to nurture and cultivate the feelings of love thereby building the necessary habits to overcome difficulties even after the period of Lent. While abstinence and restrictions are one part of the Lenten journey, the greater task for the believer is to exercise love and to be in harmony with family, friends, the world around us, nature, and ultimately with all, namely with God. “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” (I John 4:8)

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 12 of 40

Friday, March 6 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 12 of 40

The Lenten Journey is about reconciling with one another so that we can be reconciled with God. Ridding our mind of divisive and evil thoughts is the natural first step in preventing the actions that follow and destroy our relationships. Once rid from our system we must replace them with the only thought powerful enough to keep those thoughts away. That power comes from love. Love is the one ingredient of life that can overcome those thoughts and words that divide and devastate us. As the Apostle writes, “Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.” (Romans 12:9)

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 11 of 40

Thursday, March 5 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 11 of 40

An old Armenian expression says that wounds created by a sword will heal, but wounds caused by the tongue never heal. Think about the words that we have used in haste, perhaps in anger. Think about those expressions that have separated us from friends, or perhaps from family. Some words have even destroyed others, willingly or unwillingly. Unfortunately, more often than not, we end up hurting the ones we love the most. Perhaps it is because we think that those who love us will tolerate us. Says St. James, “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness.” (3:9)  

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 10 of 40

Wednesday, March 4 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 10 of 40

Jesus challenges us to see defilement as not necessarily coming from the outside-in but from the inside-out (Matthew 15:11). What are those things that come out of our system that disrupt a life lived in harmony with others? Are there words, are there emotions, perhaps expressions of anger and hatred, that are destroying us? … that are discouraging others or even in ourselves? These expressions can rip apart relationships and kill the people closest to us. Jesus says, “You have heard that it was said …, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment. But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.” (Matthew 5:21-2) Words are the articulation of our emotions.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 7 of 40

Sunday, March 1 – Lent 2020 Day 7 of 40

Each Sunday of Lent has its unique and special name. The first of these is called “Expulsion Sunday” reminding us of the disharmony between humanity and God. We are given paradise to enjoy along with the gift of freedom to choose good or bad. We are given the beauty of nature and in return we pollute our environment, we choose our addictions and we opt for war over peace. We enter church and quickly notice the Lenten environment with a pulled curtain across the altar, reminding us that our sin – as the curtain symbolizes – prevents us from seeing the fullness of God. Sin comes about when we decide our will is greater than God’s. Expelled from paradise we live with hope for we know that there is a redeemer who says, "Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.” (Matthew 9:13)

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 9 of 40

Tuesday, March 3 – Lenten Journey 2020 Day 9 of 40

As the second week of Lent is unfolding we will intensify our Lenten Journey with the words of our Lord, “Listen and understand it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person but it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles.” (Matthew 15:11). The message here is a strong one. In Christian living, and especially during the Lenten period, we can be consumed with laws and regulations – the dos and don’ts – of life. We ask the wrong questions: Do we abstain from this type of meat? Or that type of food? Today we step-it-up by meditating on the reasons for those rules. What is it about a simplified life, of increased prayer and abstinence from food, that will yield a better person? Introspection begins with the right questions.

Lenten Journey 2020 - Day 8 of 40

Monday, March 2 – Lent 2020, Day 8 of 40

What is essential for life? As our second week of the Lenten Journey begins we seek simplicity in all that we do. The abundance of material wealth brings with it trappings that keep us confined to unexpected servitude. With acquisition of more and more things and with the accumulation of stuff there comes worry, stress and anxiety. Fear follows when we think of life without – or even worse, with the loss of – these material trappings. Seeking simplicity in our life clears away the misdirected energy we have exerted toward the accumulation of stuff. Two of Jesus’ friends, Mary and Martha, approached him with sincere devotion and love, yet he singled out the devotion of one, “Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10) This day, find the simplicity in Mary’s choice.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 6 of 40

Saturday, February 29 – Lent 2020 Day 6 of 40

Bringing order out of chaos explains the beginning of the Universe as God’s Spirit moved through it. True beauty is a reflection of that order. Once every four years a day is added to our calendar to sync the movements of our life with the order of the universe. Walking in harmony with God and our fellow creatures is our goal. When Jesus came to this world, the proclamation of the angels explained this harmony precisely, “Peace on Earth, good will among all.” (Luke 2) Peace and goodness with one another is in our hands. Adjustments are regularly necessary to put us in sync with the beauty of God’s love.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 5 of 40

Friday, February 28 – Lent 2020, Day 5 of 40

Jesus tells us that “Your heavenly Father knows what you need before you ask him,” which then begs the question, why pray? As much as prayer is a conversation with God, it is a equally a conversation with the self. It may sound strange that the self would not know its own needs, but too often we lose focus in life and fail to understand that many of our needs are within our grasp. The prayer to God awakens and strengthens our own resolve to actualize our dreams. “Pray then like this,” says Christ, “Our Father who is in heaven, may Your Name be holy, may Your Kingdom come, may Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not to the test, but deliver us from evil…. (Matthew 6) Pray so that each word and each phrase connects you to God and His Kingdom.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 2 of 40

Tuesday, February 25 – Lent 2020, Day 2 of 40

Fasting is a physical condition which reminds us of our spiritual growth. By fasting we abstain from foods and pleasures and thereby find what is truly necessary to survive, to live and ultimately to walk in peace and harmony with our family, with our friends and our neighbors. When hungry, Jesus was tempted to change the stones to bread. “Man does not live by bread alone,” says our Lord, “But by every word that comes from the mouth of the God.” (Matthew 4:4) Take an inventory of your life and find what is essential and what clutter can be tossed.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 3 of 40

Wednesday, February 26 – Lent 2020, Day 3 of 40

Time is marked by the second-hand ticking on the surface of a clock. It is also marked with the change of scenery as winter melts into spring. All around us life changes and with it, so do we. Do not fight the change but find yourselves journeying through Lent observing the small and subtle ticks and changes taking place in your life. Jesus reminds us, “The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8) The Spirit is guiding you.

Lenten Journey 2020 Day 4 of 40

Thursday, February 27 – Lent 2020, Day 4 of 40

Lent comes with meaning and purpose. Far from a 40 day exercise in dieting, the Lenten Journey is a time to discipline ourselves with more concerted prayers and opportunities to exercise our giving to others. (Matthew 6) The Lenten Journey lasts 40 days but its effects are felt for the 325 days that follow. From the most athletic basketball player, to the most spiritual priest, from the most articulate poet to the most skilled surgeon, everyone who excels in their field does so through a consistent diet of discipline and focus. “I came that [you] may have life,” says our Lord Jesus, “And that you may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) Meaning, purpose, focus, and discipline are the foundations of this Journey.

Lenten Journey 2020 - Introduction (Poon Paregentan)

Lenten Journey – 2020
Sunday, February 23 – Poon Paregentan – Day of Good Living

Welcome to the Lenten Journey. Lent is a period of time set aside by the Church for personal introspection and spiritual growth. During this 40 day period you’re invited to use the tools of Fasting and Prayer coupled with expressions of Love (see Matthew 6) to make overcome the challenges of life. Beginning today we will provide daily messages to help and encourage you through this Lenten Season. Today is a day of “Good Living” in contrast to the toned-down lifestyle we begin tomorrow. Enjoy the day and be ready to take the Lenten Journey.

Lenten Journey 2020 - Day 1 of 40

Monday, February 24 – Lent 2020, Day 1 of 40

Every journey begins with a first step. You have heard that there are great rewards at the end of the Lenten Journey, but 40 day of abstaining from certain foods and increased prayer-life seem overwhelming at times. Jesus promises, “God cloths the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you? … Do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ … your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:31-33) Today, you take the first step.